The Second Day of Second Grade

Ms Action positively flew through her school work today.  I have to admit, I was a bit nervous starting her on second grade math, she had struggled with it in first grade and eventually I started letting it slide.  She had a basic grasp of the concepts, so I decided that for the time being, letting her do no math wasn’t that big a deal.  Turns out, I was right.  She’s having no issues with the work, mainly because the first several lessons are reviews of what was learned the previous year, so anything she has trouble with, we’ll figure out now.

In our history we learned about the division of the Roman Empire and made a signum with a dowel we had sitting around and some cardboard from the boxes from our last move.  It immediately became Ms Piggy’s favorite new toy.  She didn’t want to let it go when she wanted to nurse – I made her mad by not letting her nurse while she was holding it, I really didn’t fancy a black eye or whack in the face from the thing.


We then made sugar cookie Roman Columns…both girls enjoyed dumping ingredients into the bowl and then shaping them into crumbling columns.  The dough wasn’t as soft as I had hoped it would be, but really crumbly and hard to work with.  Which was actually rather perfect since that way, they could be ruins.  Oh, and sorry about the terrible exposure, my camera disappeared a few weeks ago (we can thank Ms Piggy for that, she has a habit of losing my things.), I’ve been using my Kindle for photos and it doesn’t have the best quality.


We then watched a documentary on Amazon Prime about ancient Rome, then we watched a lot more learning shows, too.  Gotta love modern technologies and the way we have so much at the tips of our fingers.  With the wave of a Wii Remote, we learned some history and science, then some phonics and vocabulary.

Ms Action and Ms Piggy went and played outside in the backyard for a little bit, while I watched the cookies so they wouldn’t burn.  The girls watered the garden and played for a while, then came in and ate the column-cookies.

Cookies were, really, a good way to end our second full day of second grade.

The Fly

The other day, Ms Piggy and I were sitting outside by the swing set, when I noticed this poor little fly.  His left wing was ripped and sadly deformed, so he couldn’t fly.  Ms Piggy and I sat there for a while, watching him hop along from blade to blade and crawl along his way. 

Ms Piggy was so sad and worried for the little guy, she squatted next to him, following his progress and telling him how much she felt sorry for him. 

Ms Action came out after Ms Piggy and I had been sitting there for a while and joined us in our observations.  Both girls were worried for the little fly, but they expressed their worry differently.

Ms Piggy crooned to it, talked to it soothingly, and Ms Action decided to take some action.  She made him a little bed out of leaves and tried to find food for him to eat.

They’re both such tenderhearted little things and can’t stand to see suffering in any creature.

The fly did eventually make his way out of the yard, and we can only hope he’s healing ad alive out there somewhere.

Even though I don’t like flies.

Welcome to My New Blog


I’m going to start blogging again, for those of you who came by way of my old blog (also called Adventures in Mommyland), thanks for coming over here to see me!

For those of you who are new, thanks for giving me a chance!

I blog about my life with two little girls, the oldest is seven and I call her Ms Action because she’s always on the move.  The youngest I call Ms Piggy because she’s a champion nurser, it’s one of her favorite things to do.

We’re currently a military family living in the Pacific North West.

I homeschool my oldest, Ms Action.  She’s going into second grade in the fall. She’s a bit obsessed with dinosaurs and wants to be a paleontologist.  She loves playing outside, especially when it’s raining.

The youngest, Ms Piggy, is immensely interested in all things school-y.  She loves sticker books, at the moment, and would do them all day if they lasted that long.  She loves being read to and coloring.

They both love swimming and playing outside on our playset.

They love having tea parties and princesses.  I’m trying to read them more strong princesses as opposed to the usual fainting miss who is waiting for her prince to come rescue her.  I want them to both be strong, independent women, and am trying to teach them they can be whoever and whatever they wish to be.

Anyway, that’s a small bit about them.  You can click on the link to my old blog and read a bit more if you like, or just hang out here and get to know us over time.

I hope to see more of you!
